Beer-battered cod fish tacos recipe with quick pickled onions and a stangy sriracha mayo.
Tips, Advice & Info
A Beginner's Guide To Temperature-Based Cooking
Both the Thermapen Professional and Thermapen Classic are easy to use, highly accurate and reliable temperature instruments. However, it’s important to understand the relationship between food and temperature in order to get the correct results from your thermometer...
Truly British BBQ Party Food List
We've included recipe ideas, meat, vegetable and side dishes, sauces and toppings, desserts and drinks on our BBQ checklist. And, of course, we've also added an all-important BBQ equipment list, because there would be no BBQ without the firelighters and tongs.
5 BBQ Essentials That You Need This Summer
Today we are arming you with all the essential tools that you’ll need to fight the flames and achieve cooking perfection...
DJ BBQ Top Tips for Cooking The Perfect Burger
Today we have the man, the legend that is DJ BBQ sharing his top 5 tips on how to BBQ the perfect burger! Whether you’re new to barbecuing or a seasoned pro, these tips are from the best in the biz and sure to help you achieve the ultimate BBQ burger this summer...
5 Must Have Kitchen Tools For Amateur Chefs
Looking to up your kitchen game? Every kitchen has the essentials but when you peak inside the cupboards of a true foodie what tools do you find lurking? We’ve done a bit of research and these 5 must have kitchen tools are the most popular among the budding chefs of society...
The Cooking Battle Of Time VS Temperature
Here at Thermapen we’re keen believers that cooking with temperature as your guide instead of time is a much more accurate way of cooking, but of course that’s no surprise as thermometer manufacturers. However the majority of people do cook their food according to the stated time allowed. We understand that you need these time frames to ensure that everything runs smoothly in the kitchen, but have you...
Charlotte Stirling-Reed's Fishcakes For Baby
Looking for inspiration for your little one’s meal times? Today we’re sharing another wonderful recipe from registered nutrition consultant Charlotte Stirling-Reed. These delicious Salmon Fishcakes will go down a hit at mealtimes plus they’re great for freezing ahead of time, making for a quick meal when you’ve had a hectic day...
Charlotte Stirling-Reed's Top Tips To Weaning
Today we have registered nutrition consultant Charlotte Stirling-Reed on board with us to help give all you new mums and dads out there some top weaning tips! We have been working with Charlotte for delicious baby food recipes and learning more about the different types of weaning. Here's her top tips...
Creamy Lentil & Butternut Squash Mash For Baby
Today we’re excited to share with you our very first baby food recipe! This recipe comes hand in hand with the Thermapen thermometer to help you check the temperature of baby food and milk. The Thermapen offers a combination of speed, accuracy and convenience for parents – helping to ensure that your little one’s food is just right...
Top 5 Christmas Cooking Tips
Christmas is upon us, we’re all racing around the shops and frantically planning the big day. If you’re cooking the Christmas dinner this year then I’m sure you’re feeling a little stressed about it, so much to do and so little time. We have some wonderful tips about cooking at Christmas time from some of the best in the biz…
Tempering Chocolate with Charlene's Chocolate Factory
In today’s blog we’re putting the spotlight on another wonderful local business, one who is passionate about all things chocolate. After a Thermapen team member saw Charlene’s Chocolate Factory at the Shoreham Farmers Market they recommended them to everyone in the office. So, we decided to discover more about this lovely local business and how they temper their chocolate so beautifully...
Traditional VS Digital: The Perfect Sugar Thermometer
What makes the Thermapen the best thermometer to use when working with sugar? How is it better than an old fashioned sugar thermometer? Is it worth the extra money just for a sugar thermometer? Today we’re weighing up traditional vs digital sugar thermometers...